The Love Dare

love dareThe Love Dare,  by Stephen & Alex Kendrick, is an amazing book that “dares” you to love your spouse unconditionally!

Did you see the movie Fireproof?  If you did, this is the “40-day Love Dare” that was given to Caleb by his dad to challenge him to love his wife unconditionally.  Caleb and his wife were headed for divorce court, but Caleb chose to accept the challenge his dad Continue reading

21 Days to a Great Marriage

21 Days to a Great Marriage  21 Days to a Great Marriage, A Grownup Approach to Couplehood is written by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.  This book has so much information in it.  You can choose to read it in 21 days straight through, but I would recommend for you to take your time to soak in all of the information.  One or two chapters a week may be plenty to work on.

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Two Hearts Praying As One

Two Hearts Praying As OneTwo Hearts Praying As One, written by Dennis & Barbara Rainey, is a couple’s prayer devotional.  There are 30 devotionals with prayers or prayer suggestions–one for each day of the month.  The Raineys choose to do 30 because there are many studies that show that it takes at least 30 days to start a habit.  Praying together as one is a habit that all married couples will reap many benefits from!
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