Two Hearts Praying As One

Two Hearts Praying As OneTwo Hearts Praying As One, written by Dennis & Barbara Rainey, is a couple’s prayer devotional.  There are 30 devotionals with prayers or prayer suggestions–one for each day of the month.  The Raineys choose to do 30 because there are many studies that show that it takes at least 30 days to start a habit.  Praying together as one is a habit that all married couples will reap many benefits from!

Dennis & Barbara Rainey are co-founders of FamilyLife ministry. (see  `Two Hearts Praying As One is one of many books that they have written for married couples.  I picked this book up at a Family Life Weekend to Remember Conference.  My husband and I try to attend at least one conference a year for a marriage tune-up.  At these conferences we are reminded of what God expects from each of us in our roles as husband and wife.

You have probably heard people say that “couples that pray together stay together”.  That statement hit me big at one of the first conferences we went to.  I think it took us a couple of conferences before we actually put this concept into action and this concept is actually the main one that we are pretty consistent with.

Two Hearts Praying As One is God’s plan for married couples.  My husband and I pray together every morning before we go about our day.  There have been a few times that we have had to call each other and pray together over the phone because we forgot to pray.  Even when we are in the midst of conflict, most of the time we still pray together.  There have been a few times that we didn’t pray together, but at least one of us, if not both of us, at least prayed individually.  I think we both feel a void when we are in such a conflict that we aren’t praying together.

I love to hear my husband pray for us, for me and for our family and friends.  I love to be able to ask him to pray for me and he doesn’t hesitate.  It wasn’t the easiest thing to do in the beginning, but it comes pretty naturally to us now.  Since we started praying together out loud, it has made it easier for both of us to pray out loud with other people that may ask us to pray for them or that we feel led to pray for.

If you currently are not praying together daily with your spouse, I challenge you to begin.  It is the best investment that you can make in your marriage and your family.

In Two Hearts Praying As One, Dennis and Barbara provide a prayer each day for the husband to read out loud and for the wife to read out loud in order to give you an example of how to get started praying together.


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