Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

Sexual Intimacy in MarriageSexual Intimacy In Marriage, by William Cutrer, MD and Sandra A Glahn, provides married couples with answers to many questions they may have related to sexual intimacy and the biblical view of sex.

Sexual Intimacy In Marriage begins by defining sex in one of the first chapters and the next two chapters teaches the reader about the male anatomy and the female anatomy.  The authors remind us that “an entire book of the Bible, Song of Solomon, is devoted to helping us appreciate the delicate, God-given gift of

our sexuality” and they use different passages from Song of Solomon throughout the book.

Even if you think you know the male and female anatomy pretty well, you will probably learn something new that you had not learned before in this book, Sexual Intimacy In Marriage.

One of the authors is a doctor.  He does a great job of teaching the anatomy of our bodies and of the sexual response cycle.  Both authors do an excellent job explaining sexual intimacy in marriage.  They share answers to some of the questions that they are most frequently asked by married couples.

Especially relevent, sex is meant to be enjoyed by both the husband and wife–it is a precious gift that God gave us.  If it is not being enjoyed by both partners, it is worth the effort to talk about it, educate yourself and get counseling, if necessary.


Some of the questions that are answered in Sexual Intimacy In Marriage are:

  • What should be done when he’s in the mood for lovemaking and she isn’t?
  • Does he really need sex as often as he asks for it?
  • Is it ok to fantasize?
  • How do I satisfy my husband?
  • What is an orgasm?
  • Do I have to achieve an orgasm?
  • Where is the G-spot and what is it?
  • How often do most people have sex?
  • What does sex mean to him? to her?
  • What effect does aging have on a couple’s sex life?
  • What does marriage mean?
  • What is submission?

After you find out the answers to these questions and learn more about sexual intimacy, the authors have provided a workbook at the end for couples to work through.  Next, each person is encouraged to know their bodies and what they like and then to communicate this information with each other.

Also there are surveys and questions to help couples further communicate their desires and preferences and to understand each other better.

My husband and I try to attend one of Family Life’s Weekend to Remember conferences at least once a year.  On Saturday afternoon, before date night, the teaching is about sex.  Sexual Intimacy in Marriage is one of the main books recommended during the session and many of the couples purchase this book so that they can make sure that they know everything they need to know about each other’s body and sexual needs.

Get your copy today and read it with your spouse on your next date night.  🙂


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