The Five Love Languages

Five Love Languages

The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman, is one of the best books to read if you want to be a student of your spouse and love your spouse the way your spouse needs to be loved.

What makes your spouse feel “loved”?  It is not likely that your spouse feels loved when you do things for your spouse that you would want your spouse to do for you.  Find out which of the five love languages is your spouse’s primary love language.

The five love languages are physical touch, gifts, acts of service, quality time and words of encouragement.  This book will help you discover not only your spouse’s love language, but also your own.

While I was reading this book, I found myself with tears rolling down my cheeks as I read about the love language, quality time. Obviously, quality time was my primary love language.

I always take the day off on my husband’s birthday to celebrate the day with him.  He sometimes comments about me taking his birthday off as he traditionally does not take his birthday off.  His primary love language is acts of service. I just realized that I am really loving him in my love language,quality time, by taking the day off to be with him.  Could it be an act of service,his primary love language, for me to take the day off?  It could be an act of service, but only if he feels like it is.  Things can get a little tricky.  What I think is an act of service, like making breakfast for my husband, may not be an act of service that makes him feel loved.

It is important for us to communicate with our spouse’s by letting them know when they are really making us feel loved.  It is also important to ask our spouse if they feel loved when we think we are loving them in their primary love language if they don’t tell us.  Sometimes our spouse’s love language is not one that comes naturally to you, so you don’t want to put extra effort into making them feel loved and later realize that really wasn’t important to them.  You want to know that your efforts are working, so communicating is important.  Sometimes you’ll know by their reactions, but sometimes you may have to ask.

There is a test in the book to help you and your spouse figure out what your love language is. You can also go to this website: if you can’t wait to get the book and want to know now what your love language is.`If you would like to order the book or find out more about the book, you can click on the book image above  or click here.

Other books by Gary Chapman:



Study Guide

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